Today and every day, we are grateful to all the men and women who have served our country and risked their lives to protect us. Military veterans can be a tremendous asset to a company as most are natural born leaders. However, it can be difficult for veterans to find work as they transition back to civilian life. This sometimes is due to employers not being able to translate their military experience to civilian experience.
At Amerit Consulting, we have dedicated recruiters that have obtained Certified Military Recruiter Certifications (CMR) that help to understand and translate military hard and soft skills to civilian work. It also helps to effectively market, attract and retain military candidates. This has created a lot more opportunities for veterans and allows us to find them a perfect position.
Our president, Ian Wagemann, served in the United States Army as an airborne Infantryman. He has a passion to help veterans achieve success. When asked about why you should hire a veteran, he told us “Veterans are a great asset to any firm because they have demonstrated a track record of proven success. Their past performance includes leadership and the ability to clearly communicate to the team to overcome adversity. The men and women that I served with possessed the grit that it takes to set goals and accomplish the mission. Last but certainly among the most important reason that we search out veterans is that they possess the same values that we have at Amerit. On the top of the list is integrity, commitment and loyalty. Veteran’s “Why” is continued selfless service and we are honored to have them on our team.”
Below are top three reasons to hire a veteran:
Teamwork: Military duties in general usually involve working with others. This allows them to understand how to work well in a group setting and work well on a team. They are exposed to different types of personalities and backgrounds, which allows them to easily cooperate with anyone.
Leadership: Veterans understand leadership and respect it. They have been led by strong mentors and are able to lead by example. They know how to effectively communicate and achieve one common goal. They value and respect others which makes them great leaders in the workplace and in everyday life.
Performance: Veterans have great work ethic. They are sincere with their work and want to perform at the top level. They respect procedures and value accountability. They understand how to work with limited resources and how to accomplish priorities with right schedules. They are used to working under pressure and take pride in making sure their work is done right.