
4 Tips on How to Job Search During a Pandemic

Looking for a job or new career path is never easy. Attempting this during a pandemic puts even more challenges on your plate. However, there are some ways to help you conduct a job search while we all continue to socially distance.

Below are 4 ways to help you in your job search during a pandemic:

Utilize Online Networking

LinkedIn will be your best friend when it comes to online networking during these challenging times.  This platform gives you the opportunity to reach a wide range of people while still being able to socially distance from one another. It also allows you to easily connect with people in your address book as well as suggested contacts that you have mutual friends with. LinkedIn will also allow your contacts to post upcoming events that you can attend (virtually) and even some skill enhancement webinars that would be great to boost your skills. This will be key to opening up some doors with job positions.

Boost your Skills

During this time, while we continue to work from home, is a great opportunity to boost your skillset and work on those skills you feel you need to improve. While some don’t have to partake in those long commutes, you can take that extra time to join an online webinar, take online classes or even use software to enhance skills. There are a lot of free courses that are available to everyone that you can take advantage of. By boosting those skills, you will be able to add more to your resume and more job openings could be available due to those new or enhanced  skillsets.

Stay Connected with Contacts

Whether it’s once a week or once a month, it will be important for you to stay connected with your contacts. Not all companies are hiring at the moment but by staying engaged this will allow those contacts to keep you in mind if their company or someone they know is hiring for a position you are looking for. Staying engaged/connected with your contacts is important and you will want to take advantage of that.

Update your Resume and Online Profiles  

 Keeping your resume and online profile up to date will allow people to be able to search for you easily. If you don’t update your resume with new skills, job positions, etc. you may lose out on some job openings that you would be a perfect fit for. That also goes for online profiles. As recruiters and hiring managers are looking for their perfect candidate, they will be looking at online profiles such as LinkedIn and using certain keywords to search for candidates. You will want to ensure you have everything up to date to make sure you are very searchable to the hiring managers/recruiters.

Do you need help in your job search? Contact us today to see how we can help you!