Hiring Military Veterans is a Smart Choice for Business
Military veterans have a large talent pool of candidates with the skills and attributes they are looking for across industries, significantly outnumbering the availability of quality candidates with specific skillsets and attributes, which has greatly increased the competition for scarce human resources.
Below we break down key reasons why hiring military veterans is a smart choice for business.
Leadership Skills
Many companies prefer to hire people who have handled many people’s lives and responsibilities during their careers. People who can lead others into life-threatening situations often have no problems leading a team of employees towards corporate profit. Companies are also fond of hiring people who have led many people during their lives. This is helpful to the companies as it is important to find someone who is intelligent and has experience leading others because managing a large business is a very big challenge.
The military trains service members to follow standard procedures, so veterans are well-suited for jobs that require adherence to procedures. They can provide companies with the ability to learn new skills and concepts quickly. They will always give it 110% all the time.
Integrity and Loyalty
Veterans have a sense of what it takes to work hard. Employers can benefit from a history of integrity. This includes security clearances, which instill trustworthiness and sincerity. They are also committed to the work they do. They often are considered to have long tenure and will also ensure the job is done and done well.
Veterans are very good for business. They often are overlooked as it can be hard to translate their military skills to civilian work. But what we see with most companies who hire veterans is strong performances and hard work. As a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned business, we take pride in hiring veterans, we have a standardized process to recruit, screen and evaluate Veterans to help match them to business across the United States. To learn more about our process, read here.